Full confession, I've never really cared for Tori Spelling. Between the tabloid drama and what I viewed as the obvious nepotism of her acting career, I've generally thought of Tori as the classic spoiled little rich girl. If that's how you feel about her, you need to read this book.
Tori Spelling is likable! She opens up about her (rocky) relationship with her mother, her first marriage, and her career. And in reading this book, I came to feel like Tori is very misunderstood. It gave me a whole new perspective on what it is like to constantly be told that you have only achieved what you have because of your family.
Yes, Tori Spelling grew up in an insanely rich family (who has a gift wrapping room anyway?). And her career is largely due to her father's fame and influence. But at the end of reading her memoir, I realized that her life is not the easy party that I always imagined. She came off as a very real person who has worked hard and has a complicated relationship with her parents. And really, who can't sympathize with that?
As a final note, with the exception of some repetitive phrasing that grated a little bit, she's actually a decent writer. This book made me swear off tabloid gossip, especially the gossip about celebrities' bodies. She did a great job humanizing the people behind that gossip.Get more detail about sTORI Telling.
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