Searching for God Knows What was a great and refreshing read this past weekend from Donald Miller. Engaging read about how we have made an idol out of religion and forgot about the core truth of Jesus Christ and our relationship with Him.
For those of you who are are familiar with Donald Miller and this book you will realize the cover has changed and he has expanded on the previous edition wrote in 2004. This has an expanded section that talks about the Genesis Personality Theory and also hidden clues for a mysterious game. The clues are for a game that will start in June and all the information is in the new book.
My humble words cannot explain Searching for God Knows What in any other terms other than; Jesus Christ is not a formula, nor can you place Him in a box with a bow on top. Following Christ is not a simple list and a morality check box. This relationship with Jesus Christ as Donald Miller writes with clarity and boldness is more than what we as Christians have reduced him down to. Donald's narrative genius makes this an engaging read, not a theological textbook. The last chapter is worth the price in admission, but don't jump ahead because you may not understand the last chapter.Get more detail about Searching for God Knows What.
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