Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tweak: Growing Up on Crystal Meth Decide Now

Wow. I was truly led astray by some of the reviews on this book. I wish I had paid more attention to those giving it less than stellar reviews. They were totally on the mark, in my opinion. This is the first of four books I started reading on the subject. Like many others here, I was hoping to gain some insight on addicts. This is not the book for that. Which leads me to question... just what was the purpose of this book? It was poorly written, often repetitive, and just plain dull. All the "you know?" the writer would add to several sentences began to irritate me to no end. The writing was lazy. There's no other way to describe it. The "you knows" just proves my point. Instead of assuming the reader knows, why not scratch below the surface and give a more in depth account. It would have taken more effort, but certainly would have made it worth the readers time and investment. I had to quit this book before finishing. I was going nowhere and gaining nothing but lost time with each flip of the page. There are better books out there.Get more detail about Tweak: Growing Up on Crystal Meth.

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