Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Shop For The Revolution: A Manifesto

I remember first hearing about Ron Paul from a young guy at work. It was convenient to see humor in a guy that wanted to end all known agencies including education from our system. The young man at work donated his last 25 dollars to the Ron Paul foundation. Boy did we give him hell...laughing away. THEN, I was complaining to myself about having to vote between "the lesser evils" every time at the polls. So, I sat down one day and you tubed every politicians I could think of. I was very disappointed in all of them except Ron Paul. This man has never changed from decades of service to our country and Presidents like Ronald Reagan. Since then I have read his 'End the Fed", "The Manifesto", and I have seen him live at New Orleans. This man talks in plain terms and all the unexplained issues all started make perfect sense. I have learned an important lesson from Ron...You are either for the Constitution or against it, and there is nothing else in Washington. Unfortunately, the book also saddened me that something so simple was not followed by the officials. Read the books and educate yourself; that is the key. If you still do not like the Constitution than I will except it after you really understand its meaning.Get more detail about The Revolution: A Manifesto.

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